On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 10:12:39AM -0700, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 08:38:39AM -0400, John Macdonald wrote:
> > When calling a function, I would like to be able to have a
> > mixture of named and positional arguments. The named argument
> > acts as a tab into the argument list and subsequent unnamed
> > arguments continue on.
> I see a main point of named parameters to free the caller from the
> tyranny of argument order (and vice versa).  It seems to me you're
> asking for the worst of both worlds.

Perhaps I didn't make it clear in my original message -
I agree that arbitrary mixing of named and positional is
usually a bad thing.

The only place where I find it useful is with a group of
arguments that are always provided in the same order, used one
or more times each by a number of functions, with additional
arguments for some/all of those functions.

So, a function that takes position and/or vector values would
provide a name for each vector/position, but expect each to have
an x, a y, and (possibly) a z argument following the name.

I saw this in the DO system - a shell written at CDC back in
the late 70's.  The provided scripts were designed so that
all programming scripts used the same sequence of arguments
after the OPT keyword, the LINK keywork, etc.

As I said originally, the value is diluted in a language
with structured data types - you can use a single argument
for a position that is a hash or array which contains the
x/y/z components within it.

The named group helps especially if you generally want to
provide separate-but-related arguments.  This tends to be
things like an optional sub-action that requires multiple
parameters if it is used at all.

So, I'm mostly saying that a mixture of named and positional
arguments is not ALWAYS bad, and that there may be some
value in permitting such a mixture in certain circumstances.


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