
On Sep 8, 2005, at 5:07 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 04:52:52PM -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
: But what if I want to do this?
: class Foo {
:       my %:stuff;
:       method keys (Class $c:) {
:               %:stuff.keys();
:       }
: }
: How can I get at my namespace now? How would I disambiguiate that call? : Doing something like Foo.Package::keys() seems to me to be exposing too
: much of the meta-level (the Package class).
: I can see lots of potential conflict between class methods and methods : to access the contents of a namespace (methods defined in the Hash role
: I assume). This means that Foo is getting even more and more magical.
: It's now a type annotation, a special undef value, the invocant in
: class methods and the "gatekeeper" of the namespace.

Well, like I said, we can require the extra :: in cases of ambiguity. It's
really only the misplaced sigil I'm trying to get rid of.

So it would be Foo::.keys() then?

Would this be possible?

my $pkg = Foo::;
# or maybe this ...
my $pkg = Foo<::>;

Would $pkg be an instance of the Package class? I would assume given this code:

package Foo {
        package Foo::Bar {

I can do this:

my $pkg = Foo::{'::Bar'}

And get back some kind of Package reference of some kind.

Do we even have first class packages?



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