In a private conversation with Larry this afternoon, he said that by default "$foo" and ~$foo and $ all give the same result (assuming scalar context, etc.). And that "@foo[]" and [EMAIL PROTECTED] and are the same as join(' ', @foo) where join is effectively:

sub join(Str $x is rw, @A) {
    my Str $y = '';
    for $z -> (@A) {
        $y ~= ~$z;
    } continue {
        $y ~= $x:
    return $y;

Also that a pair ($x => $y) stringifies to "$x\t$y" and that [EMAIL PROTECTED] for an array of pairs is the same as join("\n", @A);

It is also intended that .as(Str, ...) takes extra named args (names TDB) for things like separators and sprintf like format strings so you can customize it, including ways to change the defaults for a class (like the separator for arrays of pairs being "\n" instead of ' ').


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