On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 05:42:31 +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> Luke wrote:
> >Okay, I seriously have to see an example of a submethod in use.
>      class Driver::Qualified {
>          method drive {
>              print "Brrrm brrrm!"
>          }
>      }
>      class Driver::Disqualified is Driver {
>          submethod drive {
>              die .name(), " not allowed to drive"
>          }
>      }
>      class Driver::Requalified is Driver::Disqualified {}

This is not obvious that the behavior is modified, and it makes
other subclasses, like Driver::Disqualified::Drunk and
Driver::Disqualified::Suicidal causes the above design choice to
make you either update Driver::Requalified and Driver::Disqualified
to regular methods, or duplicate code in Driver::Disqualified::*.

That much aside, this is not a real world example. Can you try to
think of one that really applies? Looking at my past $work projects
I can't think of a single instance where submethods would help me
code better. On the other hand roles & mixin inheritence, private
attributes that don't conflict with other private attributes of the
same name, better polymorphism, better introspection, and a
metamodel could have helped a lot in many places.

This has even more implications with closed classes to which you
don't have source level access, and if this can happen it will
happen - i'm pretty sure that some commercial database vendors would
release closed source DBDs, for example.

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &

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