
On Oct 14, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
Stevan Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
On Oct 12, 2005, at 5:22 AM, Piers Cawley wrote:
We definitely have two instances of A since, B.isa(::A). We also have
a fragile implementation of count.


Sorry, I purposefully made it a kludge as that is usually the way the example
is shown in most tutorials about class methods.

So, let me see if I have this straight here. You're arguing that, because
people are often foolish, we should make it harder to be clever?

No, more that people have been lead down the wrong paths all too often based on limitations of language implementation. And that Perl 6 should be moving to correct this problem. Sure that might be un- Perlish in the sense that we are not leaving every "way to do it" open. But at some point I think you need to shake off the old accumulated crud and start fresh, even if that new way might go contrary to what some people have been conditioned to think.

I also do not believe that I am making it "harder", as much as I am making it "different". Change is hard, but it *is* inevitable.

I think Perl 6's OO system has the potential to be to OO programming what Perl 5, etc was to text processing. This, I believe, is in large part due to the fact that Perl 5 had such a "slim" object system, and Larry intended (based on what I have read in A12) to start fresh from the ground up. That, coupled with Perl's tendency to "borrow" the best from everywhere, and you have the potential for a really great OO system.

And you're using a deliberately broken example as grist to your mill?

The example is the canonical example for class methods/attributes, and yes it is broken. However, it's broken-ness only serves to illustrate, what I think is, the misunderstanding of the usefulness of class methods in general. One only needs to take a quick sampling of some of the more popular CPAN modules which sport an "OO" interface to see that all to often class methods are (ab)used to get what amounts to "procedural modules with inheritence".

Doesn't sound all that Perlish to me.

Perl is many different things to different people, this is part of it's beauty as a language. Perl also has the unique ability to be able to re-invent itself on a regular basis (shell-scripts, CGI, bioinformatics, what next??). I personally think that the definition of what is "Perlish" and what is not "Perlish" is not only highly subjective, but ever changing.

So I guess what I am saying here is "thank you", as I will take that as a compliment ;)


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