
Well, aside from what is actually *in* Perl 6 currently, there are a number of interesting side projects, which may or may not get included in the final language design. Such as:

On Oct 18, 2005, at 3:40 AM, Uri Guttman wrote:
    the new OO design (stole the best from the rest and perlized it)

The current object model prototype (not yet totally approved) is a self-bootstrapping meta-circular object model which is heavily influenced by the CLOS Meta Object Protocol and Smalltalk. It includes several features which are not found in any of your traditional OO languages, such as Roles (which are a descendent of Traits, I could site some papers here is this would help).

You might also want to include Luke Palmer's current work on Attribute Grammars and the Theory model. Both of these are very Haskell-ish. I will let Luke speak about those.

Yuval Kogman's recent Exceptuation proposal (the marriage of exceptions and continuations, this exceptions you can *actuallY* recover from) is very similar to the condition system of Common LISP.

There has also been much work on a type inferencing system for Perl 6 (type *checking* if just old-skool, all the cool kids infer).

The fact Pugs is written in Haskell (a language only a professor could love) might be a help.

There is also the new Perl 6 packaging system. It will be far more complex than the Perl 5 one, since it will not only include the 3 part name (Foo-0.0.1-cpan:JRANDOM), but it will probably need to support seperate compilation units as well. This is borrowed from everywhere, but specifically we have looked at Fortress (the new scientific progamming language from Sun) and the new .NET assembly model.

Thats about all I can think of now.


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