Darren Duncan wrote:

In this case, I support the use of any international currency symbol for use as Perl sigils and/or operators as appropriate. Eg, we already use $ (dollar; unicode=0024; utf8=24) and ¥ (yen; unicode=00A5; utf8=C2A5), and I suggest that the next best one to exploit is ¤ (euro; unicode=20AC; utf8=E282AC), and the next best is £ (pound; unicode=00A3; utf8=C2A3). In my experience, the ¢ (cent; unicode=00A3; utf8=C2A3) is no harder to type than either of those.

I haven't read this list for quite a long time, but do we already have the yen sign as a sigil? In Japan, there has been a big confusion between backslashes and yen signs over two decades. The code point 0x5c is a backslash in ASCII but it is the yen sign in JISX0201. When I display ASCII Perl program with my Japanese Windows' notepad, it shows all the backslashes as yen signs.
Japanese Perl books sometimes tell:
 "If you cannot find a backslash on your keyboard, use the yen sign".
Thus we usually think yen = ascii 005c,
my eyes are optimized to unify a backslash and a yen sign in program codes,
my finger is optimized to hit the yen key when my brain thinks of a backslash. It's already merged into my reflection :P

Yes, I know. Careful configuration of your editor should allow you to distinguish ASCII 0x5c from JISX0201 0x5c. But in Japan, only a very keen coding-system/character-set wizard can do that.

Don't you have similar confusions with the pound sign in ISO-646 British version?
> the next best is £ (pound; unicode=00A3; utf8=C2A3)
Isn't that 0x23 in UK? I imagine that someday all the comment lines cause syntax errors in UK...

Sorry if this is an already discussed and solved issue.

Kaoru Maeda

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