On Oct 28, 2005, at 11:38 AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 04:59:18PM +0200, Yuval Kogman wrote:

If, OTOH we have a diamond inheritence:

You mean composition.  There is no "role inheritance"  :)

    role A { method foo { ... } }
    role B does A {};
    role C does A {};
    class D does A does B { };

I'm assuming you meant

    class D does B does C { ... }

I'm not sure we need to resolve the conflict.

It depends on when composition happens. If A is composed immediately
into B and C as soon as the role is processed, then when D is being
composed, all it sees are a foo method from the B role and a foo method
from the C role.

If, however, roles aren't composed into other roles but only into
classes, then I think that

    class D does B does C { ... }

would be equivalent to

    class D does A does B does C { ... }

since the roles B and C would "carry" the uncomposed A role along with

Personally, I think the later makes the most sense. This fits very well with the "roles are just containers" idea. A role flattens method, attributes, *and* subroles too.

If, on the other hand, we have

    role X trusts Foo does Foo {
        has $:foo;

Quoth A12:

    It's not clear whether roles should be allowed to grant trust. In
the absence of evidence to the contrary, I'm inclined to say not. We can always relax that later if, after many large, longitudinal, double-
    blind studies, it turns out to be both safe and effective.

Has that changed?

To quote $Larry[0] "A12 should be read for entertainment purposes only"

I know, that scares me too ;)


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