
Michele Dondi wrote:
And yes: there are lots of languages having (e.g.) a ++ operator, mostly "derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't think that in C you can do (the equivalent of) C<($u*=5)++> - not that you need it that often, granted! But it is "backwards" compatible with the "standard" usage.

Actually I'm not sure if Perl 6 allows

  ($u *= 5)++;

because the return value of *= is the rvalue 5 and *not* $u as
an lvalue. Correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise how would the
expanded form

  ($u = $u * 5)++;

behave when extented by yet another assignment

  ($y = $u = $u * 5)++; # $y++ or $u++

and recollapsed as

  ($y = $u *= 5)++;

  say $y; # 6?

Now letting aside other reasons why the proposal should not be accepted, if it where, it would not be disruptive of current behavior.

I think there is a much deeper running unresolved issue in Perl 6 as
of now: the underspecified execution model and how it relates to the
type and OO system!

I personally would like to see something akin to adjoined operators
in mathematics. As in matrix multiplication where

  A * B * x

with A and B matrizes and x a vector. The idea is that you don't start
from the vector but pre-multiply A and B. That is the associativity is

 (A * B) * x

At that stage you could drop the application to x and store the resulting
action in another variable C := (A * B) for later application. Writing the
above with Perl6 sigils would come out as

 &A * &B * $x;

and then

 &C = &A * &B;

is a calculated code object just like

 $y = $a * $b;

is a calculated value. This is what I would call first class operators!

BTW, I see junctions beeing a prime example of the above. And handling
them through a data (non & sigiled) variable would prevent their magic
to come forth unintentional. As a nice side effect the importance of
the & sigil would be increased.

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