On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 09:31:27AM +0200, Gaal Yahas wrote:
: In pugs, r7961:
:      my @pats = /1/, /2/;
:      say "MATCH" if 1 ~~ any @pats; # MATCH
:      say "MATCH" if 0 ~~ any @pats; # no match
: So far so good. But:
:      my $junc = any @pats;
:      say "MATCH" if 1 ~~ $junc; # no match
:      say "MATCH" if 0 ~~ $junc; # no match
: Bug? Feature?

Feels like a bug to me.  The junction should autothread the ~~ even if ~~
weren't dwimmy.  And ~~ ought to be dwimmy about junctions even if they
didn't autothread.  Maybe they're just doing the hallway dance.


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