First of all, I concede that features like autovivification and undefs defaulting to the domain-qualified 'none' are fine as what Perl does by default, so I retract any request to change this; I am fine for these things to remain as they are and were.

-- Darren Duncan

P.S. FYI, permit me to illustrate here that alternatives to autovivification are not as laborous as they can be made out to be.

At 1:49 PM -0600 12/19/05, Rod Adams wrote (off-list):
That makes histograms, which I use constantly, a major pain in the rump.

  my @x;
  # something which fills @x

  my %x;
  for @x { %x{$_}++ }

that last line becomes

  for @x {
    if defined(%x{$_}) {
    } else {
      %x{$_} = 1;

There is a much more concise, but still explicit solution, which is what I do in these situations. Instead of:

  my %x;
  for @x {

You have:

  my %x;
  for @x {
    %x{$_} //= 0;

The number of code lines increases linearly by depth, with one line added per nest level, and not by orders of magnitude such as the doubling that your if/else would suggest.

It gets even worse when you consider something like:

  my %data;
  for =$File -> $line {
    my ($x, $y, $z) = $line.split;

Considering that Perl 6 has multi-dimensional hash keys, you may only need something like this instead of the last line anyway:

    %data{$x;$y;$z} //= 0;

But even if you do this the older way, that last line would become only:

    %data{$x} //= hash();
    %data{$x}{$y} //= hash();
    %data{$x}{$y}{$z} //= 0;

-- Darren Duncan

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