In Perl 5 C<for> is quite natural for iterating over lists and arrays. C<while> is preferred for filehandles. With lazy evaluation this difference has been eliminated in Perl 6 so that while still TMTOWTDI (TAEMWTDI!) this kind of iterations will be more consistent.

But in Perl 5 to "navigate" complex structures one needs ad-hoc solutions. I wonder if something is planned in Perl 6 as a means to do that through a syntactically convenient construct with ad-hoc-isms pluggable in in the form of suitable hooks (e.g. .on_node( { code; ... } ), etc.) that would work in most cases.

Please do not ask me what I have in mind, for I'm not really sure. I know in advance that suitable modules may be written instead but I would like a single builtin keyword. And I'd like to hear the opinion of the Knowledgeable Ones(TM) here.

Suppose I want to navigate a tree and print out info contained in each of its leaves along with info gathered from the position in the tree of the list itself? Can I do it in a "universal" manner as hinted above that would work for other situations as well?

PS: By "complex structure" here I mean a [AH]o[AH]o[AH]... or somesuch with arbitrary nesting levels. Objects would do if they had sufficient navigational info (e.g. parent(), next(), havechild(), etc.) i.e. if they conformed to some probably not yet established interface.

I wish Sun would sort their versioning out
and have their marketing department shot.
- "tomazos" in PerlMonks.

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