Doug McNutt wrote:
>> - - Specify them to return some definite value.
> Only on a machine that doesn't do it in hardware or in some special perl 
> function that's unlikely.

This question arises as different platform answer things differently for
the native calculation of eg. 1**Inf.
>> At this moment, Pugs defines them ad-hocly to:
>>      0/0       == die "Illegal division by zero" <--- wrong. 1/0 should not 
>> die either.

I personally like having 0/0 be NaN and 1/0 be Inf (as in JavaScript),
but all of Python/Perl/Ruby/Scheme/OCaml throws exceptions for them...

>>      0*Inf     == NaN <--- reasonable but don't re-invent the NaN bit pattern
>>      Inf/Inf   == NaN <--- reasonable but don't re-invent the NaN bit pattern
>>      Inf-Inf   == NaN <--- reasonable but don't re-invent the NaN bit pattern

The NaN as used in Pugs is already a double-precision NaN bit pattern. :-)

>>      0**0      == 1 <--- Not indeterminate. Answer is correct.
>>      Inf**0    == 1 <--- Not indeterminate. Answer is correct.
>>      1**Inf    == 1 <--- Not indeterminate. Answer is correct.

On my machine (Pentium-M, FreeBSD), 1**Inf yields NaN, as demonstrated
by this Parrot program:

.sub main
    $N1 = 1/0
    print $N1 # inf
    $N2 = 1 ** $N1
    print $N2 # nan

But putter on #perl6 reports "1" on his amd64.  I'd be happy we spec it
has to have to return 1 always for boxed Num types, even though it means
additional cycles for boxed numeric types.


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