Hello All,

In reading over the Synopsis again in hopes of finding more information regarding the different repr types (see the warnocked post entitled "Construction and Initialization of repr types other than P6opaque"), I stumbled onto some issues with the Perl 6 OO model and &bless.

In S02 it says:

Perl 6 is an OO engine, but you're not generally required to think in OO when that's inconvenient. However, some built-in concepts such as filehandles
    will be more object-oriented in a user-visible way than in Perl 5.

Now taking this statement one (logical) step further, and I assume that this means things like arrays and hashes will (underneath) just be objects. So we will have an ^Array class, and a ^Hash class, and [] and {} will actually construct instances of ^Array and ^Hash respectively. (Of course I am simplifying it here, these may be roles instead of classes, but this is not relevant to the discussion really).

Then later on S12 says:

As in Perl 5, a constructor is any routine that calls bless. Unlike in Perl 5, you call it as a method on the class, passing the candidate as the first
    argument. To bless a hash as in Perl 5, say:

        $object = $class.bless({k1 => $v1, k2 => $v2, ...});

Are we not just re-blessing an instance of the class ^Hash into whatever $class is? That does not seem to be what is intended, however, if {} is a constructor for an instance of ^Hash, and I can call methods on {} like any other object ({}.keys, {}.exists($key), etc.), then what happens when I bless {} with a class? Do I loose access to the methods of ^Hash? Are the methods only allowed to be called in the non-invocant syntax (called like functions and not methods)?

Which brings me to my real question:

Do we really still need to retain the old Perl 5 version of &bless? What purpose does it serve that p6opaque does not do in a better/ faster/cleaner way?



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