Perl 6 Summary for 2006-01-10 though 2006-01-24

    Welcome to another fortnight's summary. This summary marks a return to a
    Tuesday schedule for summaries. Hopefully this will help me get
    summaries to you on time. Oddly appropriate that I just started reading
    Don Quixote...

  Perl 6 Compiler
    Either this list followed its typical pattern of doing most of its work
    off list, or google's indexing of it broke. I am guess the former and
    continuing on blindly.

  Perl 6 Internals
   Unescapable Single Quotes in Strings
    Matt Diephouse discovered that he could not escape single quotes within
    strings. This saddened him so much he open an RT ticket.


   " genfile() " Interpolation Syntax
    Joshua Hoblitt changed the interpolation syntax for "
    Parrot::Configure::Step::genfile() " from " ${foo} " to " @foo@ ".


   getopt_obt.t Failures
    Joshua Hoblitt posted some failures in " t/library/getopt_obj.t " on


   Improved Smoke Layout
    Joshua Hoblitt opened a TODO for the smoke server's layout. Currently it
    is a bit busy and confusing.


   Deprecated PMCs
    Leo deprecated FloatvalArray and StringArray PMC in favor of the
    (Fixed|Resizable)*Array PMCs, which are 20% more awesome.*


    *awesomeness directly related to their original author

   pdb.exe build broken
    Jerry Gay noted that pdb.exe was failing to link on Windows.


   Interpolation Synatx Updates
    Greg Bacon noticed a few " ${foo} " interpolations left over from the
    aforementioned update. Nick Glencross improved upon Greg's core idea.
    Joshua Hoblitt verified the fixes.


   Attack of the Clones
    Klaas-Jan Stol was having trouble making his LuaNil PMC clone method.
    Leo explained that it was his fault, and he solved it.


   LuaNil Morphing
    Klaas-Jan Stol proffered a patch which changed LuaNil from a singleton
    and made it morph to other Lua types when asked. Warnock applies.


   LuaTable Loving
    Klaas-Jan Stol also provided a patch making LuaTable more correct.
    Warnock applies.


   Lua Fixes
    Jonathan Worthington updated Lua PMCs to no longer use the deprecated


   Tcl on Darwin
    Joshua Isom noticed that Tcl was no longer building on Darwin. Jonathan
    Worthington updated Tcl PMCs to no longer use the deprecated
    Parrot_PMC_typenum. Joshua noted that this fixed one problem but left
    another one.


   No More .def Files
    Jonathan Worthington completed the work that allows Parrot to build on
    Win32 without a .def file. Thanks, Jonathan.


   Moving argv to ResizableStringArray
    Joshua Isom (after Leo's earlier help) offered a patch moving argv from
    an SArray to a ResizableStringArray. Warnock applies.

    <> -- inital version

    <> -- final version

   Pod File Extensions
    Joshua Isom noted that many documents were pod documents, but did not
    have .pod extensions. Joshua Hoblitt fixed it.


   Switch Tcl to Getopt/Obj.pir
    Bernhard Schmalhofer suggested that Tcl could be moved to Getopt/Obj.pir
    from Getopt/Long.pir, which clears the path for remove of
    Getopt/Long.pir. Will Coleda gave the go ahead for switching it.


   clear_eh restrictions
    Bob Rogers posted an update to his patch which restricts " clear_eh " to
    the current context only. Warnock applies.


   Clean Up After Yourself
    Bob Rogers provided a patch which makes " examples/pir/io.pir " clean up
    its temp file. Warnock applies.


   Build Failure on FreeBSD 5.4
    Joshua Isom noted that the build was failing on FreeBSD 5.4. Apparently
    the cgp core was a little hard on their gcc. Leo disabled the portion it
    was breaking on.



   " get_param " Questions
    Klaas-Jan Stol had a few questions about get_param usage in PIR. Bob
    Rogers and Leo provided answers.


   "find_global" Opcode Change
    Leo updated "find_global" and "get_global" to return a Null PMC on
    failure when exceptions are disabled.


   Build Step Parameter Passing
    Joshua Hoblitt added support for passing parameters to build steps in
    the build system.


   Automatic Closure Creation
    Audrey found it cumbersome to need to explicitly create new closures for
    package-scoped subroutines. Leo made it automatic.


   YAML::Emitter::Syck wanted
    Will Coleda opened a todo for a "YAML::Emitter::Syck" that functions
    similarly to "Data::Dumper".


   PMC Introspection
    Will Coleda wants an API for introspecting PMCs from PASM.


   FrOSCon Call For Papers
    Marcus Thiesen announced that the first Free and Open Source Conference
    is looking for papers in both English and German.


    Bernhard Schmalhofer posted a brief look at what has already been done
    with adding support of libsyck and left the door open to anyone who
    wished to pick up the torch. Warnock applies.


   Parrot Link Issues
    Klaas-Jan Stol had problems linking parrot. Larry managed to track the
    problem down to an old libparrot in "/usr/local/lib" being picked up


   Parrot_Context Unused Field
    Bob Rogers posted a patch which improved the name of an unused field in
    Parrot_Context. Leo applied the patch. Matt Fowles wondered why leave
    the unused pointer in at all. Leo explained that it was need for
    mark_register_stack to work out correctly, although another pointer
    could be moved over it to save those 4 bytes (or even 8 on 64 bit


   gunie.g Question
    Chris Dolan was curious why print was an expression and not a statement
    in the punie grammar. Andrew Rodland explained that print was an
    expression because it return a value (success or failure).

    <> is Obsolete
    Bernhard Schmalhofer noticed that "tools/dev/" does the same
    thing as parrotbug and could thus be removed. Joshua Hoblitt agreed.


   Parrot::Config Contains Invalid Info
      Jerry Gay noticed that his Parrot::Config was being created with
invalid data.  Joshua Hoblitt offered to clean up one problem and
asked for takers on another.


   Rename "src/classes" to "src/pmc"
    Bernhard Schmalhofer proposed and performed, after favorable reception
    of his proposal, a migration from directories name "src/classes" to


   Out of Date Comments
    Brad Bowman noticed some comments refering to "cache.*" in "pobj.h". He
    provided a patch to remove them. Warnock applies.


   " compute_dominance_frontiers " Bug
    Bob Rogers found a problem in " compute_dominance_frontiers ". Curtis
    Rawls suggested simply disabling the function as it was merely a
    precursor to SSA which was never finished.


   Closure::mark Segfault
    Bob Rogers found a fixed a segfault in Closure::mark. Leo applied the


   Parrot CPAN Bundle?
    Jerry Gay suggested making a CPAN Bundle (or possibly several) for
    Parrot. Chip liked the idea of having one bundle, and thought that
    having several sub-bundles would be more effort than it might be worth.


   Calling Conventions Details
    Leo had a few questions about pdd03 (calling conventions). Chip provided


   PDD11 Bit Rot
    Brad Bowman noticed a bit of rot in pdd11 and polished it up. Jerry Gay
    applied the patch.


   Named Argument Passing
    Leo proposed a way of passing named arguments in PIR. Response was
    favorable, and he implemented it.

    <> -- proposal

    <> -- implementation

   LuaTables of Floats
    Klaas-Jan Stol wondered how to use N values as keys. Leo suggested using
    Float PMCs and Matt Fowles warned of the danger of using floating point
    values where equality checks might be needed.


   Argument Passing Bug
    Bob Rogers found an issue with the :optional to :slurpy state transition
    in process_args, so he fixed it. Leo applied the patch.


   Object Initialization Changes
    Bob Rogers noticed some changes the semantics of object initialization.
    He sent a patch with more tests, but Warnock applies.


   Assertion Failure in Life
    Tim Bunce found an assertion failure in "ncurses_life.pir". Leo fixed
    the problem.


   ncurses files
    Tim Bunce found several different ncurses files in
    "runtime/parrot/library/" and asked which were generated from the
    others. Leo explained that ncurses.pasm was generated from
    ncurses.declarations, but that ncurses.pir was hand made. He suggested
    splitting them into to parts, one for libncurses and another for libform
    NCI functions.


   Cygwin Build Failures
    Greg Bacon was having build troubles on Cygwin. After much work, still
    no resolution.


   HP-UX Alignment Issues
    Nick Glencross found a failing assertion on HP-UX. Leo suggested
    disabling function pointer alignment on this system since it dist not
    appear to be working.


   .const improvements
    François Perrad noticed that .const was not working with LuaPMCs. Leo
    explained that a PMC had to implement new_from_string for .const to
    work. Klass-Jan Stol added support for it to LuaNumber.


   method_util unused
    Leo noticed method_util.c and .h. He also noticed that they were unused.
    Shortly he is going to remove them.


   0.4.1 Build Erros on OSX
    WangKe was having trouble building 0.4.1 on his shiny new OS X 10.4.3
    Intel. I think he may have a completely untested combination of
    endianess and OS for us... Sadly he was posting to google groups and not
    the list. Perhaps some kind soul will help him.


   Namespace Notes
    Leo had some suggestions after reading pdd21 (namespaces). Matt
    Diephouse and Chip had some thoughts about it too.


   Managed Pointers .Net Style
    Jonathan Worthington was a little unsure of how to implement safe
    managed pointers for .Net on Parrot. (Perhaps I will call it P#) Chip
    provided useful suggestions for how he might proceed.


   Ranges and Iteration
    Dave Whipp brought a thread over which discusses different aspects of
    ranges including comparison, inclusion, and iteration.


   Pattern Matching For Loops
    Dave Whipp wondered if there was someway to make the for loop in Perl6
    do some kind of pattern matching. Brad Bowman wondered about anonymous
    multis which sound interesting to me.

    <> -- original post

    <> -- more on anonymous multis

   Array Holes
    Luke Palmer wondered how array holes would be dealt with in Perl6. Larry
    posted his thoughts and musings.


   closures capturing sub arguments
    Audrey had a question about the semantics of nested subs which capture
    the argument of the outer sub. Larry felt that her approach was
    reasonable and sound.


   Indeterminate Forms
    Audrey wondered how a great number of operations like (0/0 and its ilk)
    were defined. Larry felt that boxed types should be consistent and
    unboxed types fast.


   Split on Empty String
    Gaal Yahas noticed that pugs and Perl 5 disagreed on the result of
    splitting an empty string. Larry sided with pugs in this case.


   Short Circuiting Chained Comparisons
    Joe Gottman wondered if chained comparisons would short circuit. Luke
    Palmer thought that they probably would.


   Class Methods vs Instance Methods
    Rob Kinyon posted his concerns about the ambiguity that was being
    introduced between class methods and instance methods. Matt Fowles also
    voiced concern. While some thoughts were published, no official word has


   Perl 6's Bless
    Stevan Little, who has a habit of hurting my brain, posted some concerns
    he has about "bless". Much discussion ensued. When it veered of his
    intended topic, he tried again.



   Symbolic References with twigils
    Joshua Choi wondered how to create a symbolic reference with a twigil.
    Larry posted some thoughts.


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