Brad Bowman wrote:
> I don't like the idea of sharing the adverb between escaping and
> force-interpolating since stacking other adverbs can turn q into qq
> and vice-versa.  That's a minor quibble though.

And a reasonable one as well.  I was trying to minimize the
proliferation of adverbs, but I may have gone overboard by trying to
fit crucially different things under the same tent.  Separate :esc and
:interp adverbs probably would be better overall.

> Analogous issues occur with quasiquoting, so a solution that can be
> naturally shared would be ideal.  CODE :interp(`) { say `$a + $b }
> ... hmm, looks ok...

I'm not familiar with quasiquoting, so I wouldn't know.  The interp
part seems fairly straightforward; if $a = 5 and $b = 4, I'd expect
the above to be equivalent to CODE { say 5 + $b }, whatever that

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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