
Thanks for the comments :)

I'll then rewrite most of my rules into tokens.  And about the
definition of <?ws>, the "engine" I mentioned is Pugs::Complier::Rule,
so that if what PGE does is considered the "correct" way, I will
change the behavior of P::C::Rule.  By the way, if someone can add
it to S05 would make me more comfortable.

Shu-Chun Weng

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 09:03:18AM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 02:17:25PM +0800, Shu-chun Weng wrote:
> >  1. Spaces at beginning and end of rule blocks should be ignored
> >     since space before and after current rule are most likely be
> >     defined in rules using current one.
> >  1a. I'm not sure if it's "clear" to define as this, but the spaces
> >      around the rule-level alternative could also be ignored.  
> At one point I had been exploring along similar lines, but at the
> moment I'd say we don't want to do this.  See below for an example...
> >      For instance, look at the rule FunctionAppExpr defined in
> >      MiniPerl6 grammar file.
> > 
> >        rule FunctionAppExpr
> > {<Variable>|<Constants>|<ArrayRef>|<FunctionName>[<?ws>?<'('><?ws>?<Parameters><')'>]?}
> FWIW, I'd go ahead and write this as a token statement instead of
> a rule:
>     token FunctionAppExpr {
>         | <Variable>
>         | <Constants>
>         | <ArrayRef>
>         | <FunctionName> [ <?ws> \( <?ws> <Parameters> \) ]?
>     }
> In fact, now that I've written the above I'm more inclined to say 
> it's not a good idea to ignore some whitespace in rule definitions
> but not others.  Consider:
>     rule FunctionAppExpr {
>         | <Variable>
>         | <Constants>
>         | <ArrayRef>
>         | <FunctionName>[ \( <Parameters> \) ]?
>     }
> Can we quickly determine where the <?ws> are being generated? 
> What if the [...] portion had an alternation in it?
> (And, if we ignore leading/trailing whitespace in rule blocks, do 
> we also ignore leading/trailing whitespace in subpatterns?)
> In a couple of grammars I've developed already (especially the
> one used for pgc.pir), having whitespace at the beginning of rules
> and around alternations become <?ws> is useful and important.
> In these cases, ignoring such whitespace would mean adding explicit
> <?ws> in the rule to get things to work.  At that point it feels like
> waterbed theory -- by "improving" things for the FunctionAppExpr
> rule above we're pushing the complexity somewhere else.
> In general I'd say that in a production such as FunctionAppExpr
> where there are just a few places that need <?ws>, then it's
> better to use 'token' and explicitly indicate the allowed
> whitespace.
> (Side observation: in  
> ...|<FunctionName>[<?ws>?<'('><?ws>?<Parameters><')'>]?}
> above, there's no whitespace between <Parameters> and the closing paren.
> Why not?)
> >  2. I am not sure the default rule of <ws>, I couldn't found it in
> >     S05.  Currently the engine use :P5/\s+/ but I would like it to
> >     be :P/\s*/ when it's before or after non-words and remains
> >     the same (\s+) otherwise.
> PGE does the "\s* when before or after non-words and \s+ otherwise"
> explicitly in its <ws> rule, which is written in PIR.  (Being able
> to write subrules procedurally is I<really> nice.)  
> In P5 it'd probably be something like 
>     (?:(?<!\w)|(?!\w))\s*|\s+
> or maybe better is
>     (?:(?<!\w)|(?!\w)|\s)\s*
> Pm

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