--- Ashley Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/2/06, Paul Hodges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  my @answer = map { async { &_() } } @jobs;
> That still seems too explicit. I thought we had hyperoperators to
> implictly parallelize for us:
> my @answer = @jobs.»();
> Which would run them in parallel automatically, if possible.

Snazzy bit of syntactic shenanigans, that...and slick, if we're in that
mode, but just to clarify, I *will* still be able to know whether or
not something's going to thread? Or will it matter?

Seems to me there will be times when I WANT a purely single-threaded
system, even if I'm using hyperops -- in fact, especially if I'm using
hyperops. Maybe we need a pragma to be able to step in and out as

 { no threads;
   print @_.»();

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