
Audrey mentioned that Perl 6 is trying to avoid underscores in the
core library.

It came up when I asked why "valid" isn't called "value_id" because
if ( $user_input.valid ) { } reads fairly confusingly.

So, a few questions:

1. what is the "official" naming style for the Pelr 6 standard
library (not just functions, but methods for core objects, the MOP,
the compiler toolchain, the truely absolutely core modules, etc).

2. What is bad about underscores? From what I know most people tend
to think that $object.do_that_action is the clearest way of naming
methods, and the technical reasons to avoid these (long symbol
names, lots of typing) are no longer really valid nowadays (with
editor autocompletion, etc).

3. why are some core methods named ALLCAPS (BUILD, BUILDALL)? Or
perhaps more accurately, which types of other methods should also be
in ALLCAPS?  and is ALL_CAPS also OK? Or is that for constants?

4. If really make a departure from short names, will things that
sort of model POSIX (IO, etc) have short synonyms? or will these be
named in their short form?

A request to the thread participants - please try and form your
arguments on a "good for everyone" level, not just what your
personal preferences are. I don't think that anyone's opinion
matters except @Larry's, and you're not going to change their minds
if you simply present stylistic argumetns.


My own spiel:

I would like to see a slight departure from the C-style naming
convention (which I must admit i really really dislike - remembering
std c library names when you don't use them all the time is tricky,
and consequentially so is looking them up in the docs).

I would very much like Perl 6 to be a language that's easy to read
as you go along, where consulting the documentation isn't always
necessary to understand what's going on.

A unix head may read:

        $file.chown( $user );
        wait( $pid );

easily, but anyone with sufficient understanding of the program's
behavior can understand what

        $file.change_owner( $user );

        wait_for_process( $process_id );

is without being aware of the conventions.

Of course, this has downsides too- it defies an existing convention,
(These are standins for old UNIX functions which "everyone already

However, we will also have new APIs, like the OO meta model:

        my @attrs = $meta.attributes; # shallow
        my @deep  = $meta.compute_all_attributes; # deep, also from superclasses


        my @attrs = $meta.attrs;
        my @deep  = $meta.compattrs;

  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://nothingmuch.woobling.org  0xEBD27418

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