On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 06:16:26PM +0200, Dr.Ruud wrote:
: larry schreef:
: > +Likewise, from the fact that list context flattens inner arrays and
: > +lists, it follows that a reduced assignment does no special syntactic
: > +dwimmery, and hence only scalar assigments are supported.  Therefore
: > +
: > +    [=] $x, @y, $z, 0
: > +    [+=] $x, @y, $z, 1
: > +
: > +are equivalent to
: > +
: > +    $x = @y[0] = @y[1] = @y[2] ... @y[-1] = $z = 0
: > +    $x += @y[0] += @y[1] += @y[2] ... @y[-1] += $z += 1
: I assume that
:   [=] $x, @y
: is equivalent to
:   $x = @y[0] = @y[1] = @y[2] ... @y[-2] = y[-1]
: then.


: Or is a scalar required at the end?

Yes, but @y[-1] is a perfectly fine scalar.


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