At 5:56 PM -0800 1/22/07, Larry Wall wrote:
Whether a Num that happens to be an integer prints out with .0 is a
separate issue.  My bias is that a Num pretend to be an integer when
it can.  I think most folks (including mathematicians) think that
the integer 1 and the distance from 0 to 1 on the real number line
happen to be the same number most of the time.  And Perl is not about
forcing a type-theoretical viewpoint on the user...

Up front, I will say that, all this stuff about 1 vs 1.0 won't matter at all if the Int type is an actual subset of the Num type (but whose implementation is system-recognized and optimized), meaning that Int and Num are not disjoint, as "most folks" usually expect to be the case, such that, eg, 1 === 1.0 returns true.

Of course if we did that, then dealing with Int will have a number of the same implementation issues as with dealing with "subset"-declared types in general.

I don't know yet whether it was decided one way or the other.

Whereas, if Int is not an actual subset of Num, and so their values are disjoint, then ...

FYI, my comment about a stringified Num having a .0 for round-tripping was meant to concern Perl code generation in particular, such as what .perl() does, but it was brought up in a more generic way, to stringification in general, for an attempt at some consistency.

Whether or not that is an issue depends really on whether we consider the literal 1.0 in Perl code to be an Int or a Num. If, when we parse Perl, we decide that 1.0 is a Num rather than an Int such as 1 would be, then a .perl() invoked on a Num of value 1.0 should return 1.0 also, so that executing that code once again produces the Num we started with rather than an Int.

On the other hand, if .perl() produces some long-hand like "Int(1)" or "Num(1)", then it won't matter whether it is "Num(1)" or "Num(1.0)" etc.

-- Darren Duncan

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