If you folks are wondering what's driving the flurry of recent synopsis
changes, it's the Perl 6 grammar written in Perl 6 that I've been working
on for the last week, and thinking about for the last month.  If you
want to peek at the current snapshot, it's at:


Questions and feedback welcome, but please don't follow up to this
message--start a new thread for a new topic.  Bear in mind that
this is completely untested code, still fairly buggy and incomplete.
Not even pugs can parse it (yet).  Nevertheless, I think it will help
ground some of the discussion here to have a real grammar to look at,
written in something close to our favorite language.  :)

If you use vim, the perl6.vim in pugs/util directory will do a semi-decent
job of hilighting.  Feel free to patch perl6.vim where it doesn't.

If you want to work on some part of the grammar, that's fine, but
either update frequently with svn or let me know which parts I should
leave alone while you work on them.


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