herbert breunung wrote:
> Von: Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That's, well, elegant! Yes.
> Because and but it's tricky.
> Nothing where I'd say "wow, thats an easy solution to my problem!".
> It's a bit complicated, because you have to understand and combine
> several concepts. That's elegant. But not easy, I think.
> I think it's not simple enough for this simple kind of problem.

exactly, my full support to thomas with this, perl was always about
keep simple things simple too.

Seconded.  I would favor allowing an "else" block to be attached
following any loop block, with the semantics being that the else block
only gets triggered if the loop block doesn't run at least once.  I'd
do this instead of a block trait (such as FIRST or LAST) because of
the either-or relationship between the loop block and the else block.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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