On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 11:04:29PM -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the inaugural Perl 6 Microgrants program.  
> Best Practical Solutions (my company) has donated USD5,000 to The  
> Perl Foundation to help support Perl 6 Development.  Leon Brocard,  
> representing The Perl Foundation's grants committee, will work with  
> me to select proposals and evaluate project success.  We'll be making  
> USD500 grants to worthy Perl 6 related efforts. We're hoping to fund  
> a range of Perl 6-related projects over the life of the grant  
> program.  Accepted grants might be for coding, documentation, testing  
> or even writing articles about Perl 6. The program isn't tied to any  
> one implementation of Perl 6 -- We're interested in seeing proposals  
> related to Pugs, Perl 6 on Parrot, Perl 6 on Perl 5 or any other Perl  
> 6 implementation.  Generally, we're interested in seeing projects  
> that can be completed in 4-6 calendar weeks.
> Submitting a grant proposal
> ---------------------------
> To submit a grant proposal, please email us at perl6- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following information:
> * A two to three paragraph summary of the work you intend to do
> * A quick bio - Who are you? Is there opensource work you've done  
> that we should have a look at?
> * A brief description of what "success" will mean for your project -  
> How will we know you're done?
> * Where (if anywhere) you've discussed your project in the past
> * Where you'll be blogging about your progress. (Twice-weekly blog  
> posts are a requirement for getting your grant money)
> We'll be accepting proposals on a rolling schedule. We expect to pay  
> out these first 10 grants over the course of the summer. Depending on  
> how things go, we'll then either find more money for more grant  
> programs or we'll wind up the program and move on to other endeavors.
> We're really excited to get rolling. Submit your proposals early and  
> often. Don't let somebody else beat you to the punch ;)

I'd like to suggest an idea for *someone else* to submit a proposal for:

As part of the work on DBI2 I want to create a Perl API that closely
matches the JDBC API.

I need a tool that can parse the java .h files that that define the JDBC API,
and generate roughly equivalent Perl 6 (roles etc).

Some knowledge of Java would be helpful to get a reasonable initial
mapping of concepts from Java to Perl, but that's bound to evolve over
time - hence the need for a tool to do, and redo, the translation.

[ I'd probably then use the tool to also generate implementation code
  that bridges the Perl6 JDBC with the Perl5 JDBC module on CPAN.
  That would give Perl6 a working JDBC API.
  (The next step might be to parse the Java code of the JDBC test suite
  and translate that to Perl6...)

There are two parts to this: a Java parser (good enough for at least the
JDBC .h files), and a Perl6 code (role) generator. They could be combined,
but I'd like the Java parser to be reusable by others.

Here's a related idea: write a tool that reads BNF grammar, such as
and writes a parser in Perl 6 for that grammar.

Anyone interested in those ideas?


p.s. The .h files for JDBC can be found here

p.p.s. The funding for these could come from the DBI Development fund
(which hasn't been used for anything yet) and so not impact the donation
from Best Practical Solutions.

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