Jonathan Lang writes:

> The only other thing that I'll continue to lobby for is that the line
> starting with a block comment's termination tag should _not_ be
> considered part of the comment, save for the termination tag itself.
> Programmers are likely to be surprised when text that follows a
> closing bracket is treated as being included within it.

They would be, if they spotted that it's a closing bracket.  The trouble
with the current specification is that it draws attention to this
'exception'!  Whereas in practice I suspect most people will find it
natural, because in the process of 'commenting out' a large block of
code they won't even spot that they've got a mixture of single-line and
block comments.

Certainly on first reading Larry's recent changes in this area my
initial thoughts were:

* Oh, he's removed the exception from matched-bracket comments which
  will allow for commenting-out lots of lines by putting hashes at the
  beginning of them.  That'll surprise people when they try to do that
  and it doesn't work.  I should object!

* Hmmm, now there's this third type of comment as well.  What on earth
  is that for?

Until it twigged.  If I hadn't read the spec then everything would just
have worked naturally!


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