TSa Thomas.Sandlass-at-barco.com |Perl 6| wrote:
Now my question: could slice context be a runtime feature that acts
before the dispatch to &postcircumfix:<[ ]> by retrieving the shape
of the @array and handing it over to &foo as context, capture the
shape of the slice returned and hand over the remaining shape as
context to &bar? Since relying on the order of &foo and &bar in the
source is bad, an even more elaborate scheme can be used that queries
&foo and &bar before the actual call which slots they intend to fill
in the pending slice operation.

The plot thickens!

Consider the user-defined index translation functions, or the differential indexing feature. Both use * inside the subscript.

If you have


the * has to know to map to a function to retrieve the length of the proper dimension. If it can't count semicolons at compile-time, it can't rely on parser magic and it has to call a function at run time. Forget the funny syntax, and what we're really looking at is:

   @array[ $a ; dimlen() - 2 ; $c ]

Even if you want to be charitable and say the parser actually expanded the * to

   dimlen (@array)

(without re-evaluating the expression if the array is not a simple variable name), then it still doesn't know what position it is in.

Just off the cuff, I think it might use the array target and index position as context variables, or to save the overhead of always setting those, another magic syntax inside the subscript could be used to indicate its own position. So, the * expands to:

   dimlen (@array, $?SLICEPOS)

and this makes it clear how to call your own functions thusly. So you could write

   @array[ @@(foo(42)) ; bar(@?SLICETARGET, $?SLICEPOS) ; $baz ]

and it would supply the proper value after knowing how many dimensions were returned from foo in slice context. The use of @?SLICETARGET allows you to refer to the @array even if it is the result of an expression, without re-evaluating it, or worse if it is a return value or temporary object. It would be handy to have when writing a macro. Hopefully, the grammar for implementing * in subscripts is clean enough that you could write a macro that did something similar for your own construct. There should be no magic that is not available to the programmer as well.


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