Ter, 2008-04-29 às 11:54 +0200, TSa escreveu:
> > If we are to define an operator to declare that some arbitrary object
> > conforms to some API, I would think the following as saner...
> > sub foo(Point $p) {...};
> > FoxPoint $fp = ...;
> > $fp realises Point;
> > foo($fp);
> Here the spec is quite clear that 'realises' is spelled 'does'.
> This is the infix operator that composes a role into an object's
> class at runtime.

Not really... 'does' is a composition operation, 'realises' would be
just a type annotation that doesn't change the actual composition.

> > This way, the dispatching mechanism is still the same (and still typed),
> > but the object now also answers true to .^does(Point).
> But note that
>     FoxPoint $fp = ...;
>     $y = $fp;
>     $y === $fp; # obviously true
>     $fp does Point;
>     $y === $fp; # false because of different HOW?

Wrong. $fp is still the same object and $y would also answer true
to .^does(Point). it's an in-place change, not a copy. you would need to

  $y = $fp.clone();

to keep the non-typed version.

> Unfortunately S03 doesn't say if === checks for the same WHAT or the
> same HOW as precondition to checking the WHICH.

It doesn't. By definition. === only checks WHICH.

> Generally WHAT is also quite underspecced.

WHAT is implementation specific, it's underspecced for that reason.

> > Which means that the typed code remains typed and the feature is
> > implemented as a trait that can be used to any object, thus leaving the
> > fragile type inference to the code calling the method and not to the
> > method that wants a stronger typing...
> I don't understand what you want to say here.

I mean, the code that is calling the method would be the one doing the
untyped->typed mapping, not the calling sub signature (which would make
the dispatch much slower).


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