On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 05:49:54PM -0500, Mark J. Reed wrote:
: I'm sure this has been hashed out somewhere I wasn't looking, but i
: would really prefer for pathname ops not to be mixed in to the Str
: class.  Maybe they could be put in a Pathname subclass of Str, with a
: simple literal syntax or short unary operator to build such a thing
: from a string?

I've been thinking about that.  One interesting ramification of
the current matching rule is that you could say either of:

    "foo".io ~~ :r :x


    "foo" ~~ :io(:r :x)

where .io is whatever your "casting" method of choice is for turning
a string into an object with the correct methods.  Somehow I think
.filename is a bit too long, huffmanwise.


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