In-Reply-To: Message from Mark Overmeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
   of "Thu, 27 Nov 2008 08:23:50 +0100." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>* Tom Christiansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [081126 23:55]:

>> On "Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:18:01 PST."--or, for backwards compatibility,
>> at 7:18:01 p.m. hora Romae on a.d. VI Kal. Dec. MMDCCLXI AUC,
>> Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> SUMMARY: I've been looking into this sort of thing lately (see p5p),
>>          and there may not even *be* **a** "right" answer.  The reasons
>>          why take us into an area we've traditionally avoided.

> What a long message...

It *was*?  That was approaching a medium in my epistolary (and RFC) world,
the one unrelated to PostIt notes.  I can therefore see you've never been
FMTEYEWTK'd, and thus also to all outward appearances, we've not made each
other's acquaintance.  I'm tchrist; pleased to meet you.

Read the // treatise, as I have repeatedly 
done, and you will quickly reassess your length calls.  This is not
necessarily a good thing.  Neal Stephenson can do the same, and of
far lesser utility.


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