On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Daniel Ruoso <dan...@ruoso.com> wrote:
> Em Sáb, 2009-03-28 às 13:36 +0300, Richard Hainsworth escreveu:
>> Daniel Ruoso wrote:
>> > The thing is that junctions are so cool that people like to use it for
>> > more things than it's really usefull (overseeing that junctions are too
>> > much powerfull for that uses, meaning it will lead to unexpected
>> > behaviors at some point).
>> What are the general boundaries for junctions?
> Junctions are superposition of values with a given collapsing type.
> The most important aspect of junctions is that they are a singular
> value, which means that they are transparent to the code using it. You
> always use it as a singular value, and that's what keep its semantics
> sane.

Closely related to this is that junctions autothread.  If you type in
"foo($a | $b)", it will be processed exactly as if you had typed
"foo($a) | foo($b)" - that is, it will call foo twice, once for $a and
once for $b, and it won't care which order it uses.  And this is true
whether or not you know that a junction is involved.  Given 'foo($j)',
foo will be called once if $j isn't a junction, and will be called
multiple times if $j is a junction.

If you were dealing with a Set instead, you'd need to make use of
'map' and/or hyperoperators to achieve a similar result.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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