Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> Jon Lang wrote:
>> Invocants:
>> * Does anyone object to roles having an invocant, and that invocant
>> referring to the class that is doing the role?
> Yes; on further reflection, the ability to type that invocant raises all
> kinds of possible WTFs without a good enough use case. So I'd really rather
> we don't go down this road.

How does this situation differ from the ability to type a method's
invocant?  I'm thinking that an argument might be made that you don't
get to specify any invocant's type: a method's invocant would always
be typed as the class to which it belongs (with the value set as the
object calling it), while a role's invocant would always be typed as a
type reference (i.e., the :: sigil), with the value being the class
composing it.  Would any significant functionality be lost in such a

>> Longnames:
>> * Are placeholder parameters ever considered to be part of a
>> function's longname?  (I'm expecting that they aren't: if you want a
>> longname, you ought to specify it in a formal signature.)
> Placeholder parameters result in a signature being generated based upon
> them, as far as I can tell (and so far as we've implemented in Rakudo). So
> yes, they would all count in the long name - or at least, the positional
> ones. Also note that if you do have placeholder parameters it's illegal to
> write a signature on the block too.

True: forbidding placeholder parameters from counting as part of the
longname would effectively forbid functions that use placeholder
parameters from _having_ a longname; and if you've explicitly asked
for one (via the "multi" keyword), you should get one.

>> Placeholder parameters:
>> * does the use of placeholder parameters interfere with the use of the
>> slurpy parameters normally provided by the default signature (i.e.,
>> *...@_ and *%_)?  I'm guessing not.
> We only generate *...@_ and *%_ for subs when there is no signature; the
> presence of placeholder parameters generates a signature, so you'd not get
> them. Exception: methods, where by S12 we always add a *%_ unless the method
> defines its own slurpy named parameter.

Is this the desired behavior, or merely the current behavior?  I can
see a case for wanting the placeholder parameters to be pushed onto
front of the default signature instead of replacing it.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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