P.S.  Since Daniel cc'd the list with a reply, I will likewise.

Daniel Ruoso wrote:
Sorry for bitching, but...

What exactly is the problem you're trying to solve? I mean, what is so
bad about SQL? and how does Muldis D solves it?

The very broad answer: It's not so much that SQL is terrible; it does the job reasonably well but I do see it being deficient in a variety of ways. Muldis D is my way to address those deficiencies without needing to keep backwards syntactical compatibility. I see a huge degree of similarity between the purpose of Muldis D and its relationship to SQL, and the purpose of Perl 6 and its relationship to Perl 5. Lots of people think Perl 5 does the job just fine too and are horrified by Perl 6's seemingly much greater complexity (borne mainly out of misunderstanding/ignorance), but I think Perl 6 is beautiful and a huge improvement and not more complicated in practice, even arguably less complicated. Likewise I think about Muldis D versus SQL. Even more broadly speaking, efforts like this in making new or improved languages is a way the industry moves forward.

A few specific answers, off the top of my head: SQL is inconsistent with itself in a variety of ways that can trip people up, and it has some unnecessary limitations. For example, in some contexts NULL matches itself and in other cases it doesn't. If you want to store a table inside a table you have to use special operators like "MULTISET UNION" to work with them when you should be able to use the same "UNION" as normal tables. SQL is natively multiset oriented so a wide variety of queries that users would expect or want to give the same answer in fact give different answers so you have to litter code with keywords like DISTINCT to force what you want. For reasons including that, SQL is a lot more work to optimize since a lot of what would otherwise be safe optimizations can't be used since they might change the semantics, whereas with set semantics that Muldis D natively has, lots more optimizations are safe. And users are less likely to have bugs. Also SQL has the complexity of many size-specific variants of the same data type rather than just offering a more generic choice; eg different sizes of numbers or text. Also SQL has grown highly unportable over the years with large degrees of difference between vendors in all but the most trivial (albeit common) tasks. Also many implementations don't let users define their own data types / object classes.

So Muldis D exists to make using databases more friendly to both DBAs and regular application developers, as well as severely reduce database vendor lock in because it provides a means today to effectively translate code between different SQL vendors, including the investment of stored procedures etc which are a large part of the effective vendor lock-in of a non-tiny program.

Honestly, it feels weird to me that you propose a query as simple as

turning itself into a function declaration, with a lot of boilerplate

Actually those aren't direct comparisons. For a direct comparison, the Muldis D analogy of that is just:


... same as in Perl, assuming a scalar result is what you actually wanted, as people who write such things usually do.

Similarly, the SQL:

    SELECT * FROM foo

... is just:


... same as Perl. So such are trivial cases where the SQL is clearly more complicated.

As for my "boilerplate", Muldis D is focused around the paradigm of storing your database access code in the database analagous to SQL stored procedures, and so all your actual database queries are invocations of stored procedures. Which is common practice in databases of medium to large size.

So then a more direct comparison to the Muldis D code:

    procedure proc1 (Relation &$result) {
        $result := $dep.foo;

... is like this (pseudo?) SQL code:

        SELECT * INTO result FROM foo;

I hope that answers your question.

-- Darren Duncan

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