I note that S02 says that the unicode classes Ps/Pe are blessed to act as opening and closing quotes. Is there a reason that we can't have Pi/Pf blessed too? I ask because there are quotation marks in the Pi/Pf set that are called "Substitution" and "Transposition" which I thought might be cool quotes for s/// and tr/// :).

Key for those like me who are not /au fait/ with Unicode.

[Ps]    Punctuation, Open
[Pe]    Punctuation, Close
[Pi]    Punctuation, Initial quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
[Pf]    Punctuation, Final quote (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)

| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+>++ PGP->+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI++++ D G+ e++>++++ h! y-

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