If the two can be made eqaully expressive (i.e. content is normal POD,
and multiple lines merged logically), I think I favor the pod-comment
form, since it allows one to place the doc close to the thing
documented - in particular, to the head of the function definition.
That's a convenience for the user puzzling out the signature, and a
reminder to the author to update the doc when the signature changes.

On 5/3/09, Damian Conway <dam...@conway.org> wrote:
> Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson wrote:
>> I've been thinking lately about how Perl 6 might offer functionality
>> similar to Python's docstrings. That is, documentation which is tied
>> directly to a particular routine, class or module[1]. This is
>> something which would is very useful in a REPL, and for documentation
>> readers[2].
> For the latest S26 proposal that I'm (very quietly) working on, I'm
> considering two possible mechanisms to support tying docs to specific
> components of a program.
> The first is an C<is doc> trait:
>     method reverse (
>         Bool $recursive  is doc<Reverse any nested L<List>s too>
>     )
>     is doc<Returns a copy of the L<List> with the order of elements
> reversed.>
>     {
>         my @result;
>         for @.list {
>             @result.unshift($_);
>         }
>         return @result;
>     }
> The second is a generalized Pod comment form:
>     method reverse  #={ Returns copy of L<List> with order of elems
> reversed. }
>     (
>         Bool $recursive  #={ reverse nested L<List>s too }
>     )
>     {
>         my @result;
>         for @.list {
>             @result.unshift($_);
>         }
>         return @result;
>     }
> Each approach has advantages and disadvantages.
> Feedback via this forum would be most welcome.
>> Something similar could be done for MODULE, CLASS, GRAMMAR, ROLE,
>> TOKEN, and REGEX.
> Indeed. And with both of the above alternatives that's also true.
>     > One advantage to using Pod blocks in place of actual strings a la
>     > Python, is that the documentation is still independent of the source
>     > code, and need not be in the same file.
> That's certainly true of your proposal. However, many might argue that
> one *disadvantage* of using Pod blocks plus :name<> that way is that the
> documentation is independent of the source code, and need not be in the
> same file. ;-)
> Damian

Charles Bailey
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