Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera-at-theingots.org |Perl 6| wrote:

The following construction doesn't do what a user might expect:

for 0...@foo.elems -> $k { do_something($k,@foo[$k]) }

Obviously, the intention is to step through every key/value in @foo. Buf @f...@foo.elems] does not exist. If @foo = (1,2,3); then @foo.elems is 3, and @foo[3] is undefined.

Yes, I know that you could also have written:

for @foo.values -> $k { do_something($k,@foo[$k]) }

But I point out that the earlier code sample was given to me on IRC at #perl6. If one of the current developers can make that mistake, other users will too. I cannot say whether it makes sense to alter the language because of this. You are the language experts. I just wanted to raise a likely point of confusion among users.


Write ^...@foo.elems as a shortcut of 0...@foo.elems, which is the
variation to exclude that endpoint if you would rather not write


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