On Sat, 30 May 2009, Mark Overmeer wrote:

* Timothy S. Nelson (wayl...@wayland.id.au) [090530 03:11]:

On Fri, 29 May 2009, Alex Elsayed wrote:
Instead, it would go to the distributions, who are already well-prepared to
handle packaging. We'd just be providing the tools and material they need to
do so.

Let me reiterate that, while I'd love to have the complete CPAN
available pre-packaged for my distro, it doesn't seem like that's
necessarily going to happen.

Certainly not if you need recent releases of modules, because someone
fixed a bug for you. It can easily take a year before a distribution
picks that up.

...or if I need a rare package that I need but isn't commonly requested.

Thus, what I want is a tool that will allow me to download the source,
turn it into a package for my distro, and install it.  This is why I
want the Software::Packager solution.  Empower the user :).

But that module does not contain anything which is required to produce
packages for Linux distributions.  Well, ok, I should say: it does not
handle any of the complex things.

Well, it should have the metadata; are you saying it won't have the build-install scripts? What decides how it gets built and installed then?

Yesterday, I drew a picture of how I see services to happen.  Having an
automated service which is specialized in building debs and such.  Now,
such tools do exist, but are usually not published by the distribution
makers.  Maybe, you can collect those (and unify them)  Could be far
more complex than you wish for.

Well, presumably, completely new ones will need to be developed to use this new framework[*] we're talking about. If we provide an interface that does some of the work for them, they might make adaptor modules for that interface instead of completely rolling their own. That's what I'm hoping for.

[*] I'm using the word "framework" in the vaguest general sense here, that covers everything we've been discussing.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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