On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 04:00:10PM -0300, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
: Em Sex, 2009-06-12 às 11:52 -0700, Jon Lang escreveu:
: > On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Daniel Ruoso<dan...@ruoso.com> wrote:
: > > Ok, There's one thing that is not clear in the thread, which is when an
: > > array is multidimensional or not...
: > > For instance:
: > >  @a = (1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9);
: > > Will produce a flatten array, because list assignment causes flattening,
: > > so the dimensionality was lost.
: > Right.  I should have said:
: >     @@a = (1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9);
: The important point here is that it means we're dealing with a different
: type, so it can actually behave differently, so "@@a.rotate" would
: rotate the first dimension only..
: maybe @@a.rotate(1;1) would mean to rotate by 1 in the first dimension
: and by 1 in the second, producing
:  (5, 6, 4; 8, 9, 7; 2, 3, 1)

I think captures are a bit of a red herring here.  Arrays can be shaped
without the @@ sigil, and that is part of its type, so assignment to
@a and @.rotate can also do the right thing.

The @@ context was originally just a way of declaring a context that turns
nested captures into a multidimensional array at binding or
coercion time.  So

    @a := @@(1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9);

used to be defined as the same as

    @a := [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]];

Treating @@ as a capture sigil would make @@ coercion a no-op.
So perhaps @@ isn't the Texas form of a capture sigil after all.

Alternately, we leave @@ (or @%) meaning ¢ and instead let some
other syntax take over the "pay attention to the capture's structure"
semantics from @@.  Maybe it's another use for the zen slice:

    @a   = (1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9); # 1..9
    @a[] = (1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9); # [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]

Interestingly, that would mean that

    @a   = 1,2,3;       # 1,2,3         3 elems
    @a[] = 1,2,3;       # [1,2,3]       1 elem!

much like subscripts assume .[1,2,3] is a 1-dim slice of three
elements, not a 3-dim vector pointing to a single element.

There's something slightly pleasing about the equivalence

    @a = [1,2,3];
    @a[] = 1,2,3;


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