On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 01:22:28PM -0700, Jon Lang wrote:
: Larry Wall wrote:
: > Moritz Lenz wrote:
: > : Either it's parsed as '@a[0] = (W, W)' (list assignment), then @a should
: > : get both elements, and so should @z.
: >
: > Not according to S03, at least by one reading. �...@a[0] as a scalar
: > container only wants one item, so it only takes the first item off
: > the list, and the list assignment produces a warning on the second
: > because it's discarded.  Since an assignment returns its left side,
: > only one element is available to @z from @a[0].
: So, do we still have p5's 'want_array' (or whatever it was called)?
: That is, the predicate that tells the you whether the function is
: being called in item or list context?  I know that the generalized
: 'want' function proved to be unworkable; but I'd expect p6 to at least
: be able to do everything that p5 can do; and that includes functions
: that are aware of whether they're being used as singular or plural.

Perl 6 is not about doing everything that Perl 5 can do.  It's about
breaking everything that needs breaking.  This is one of those things.

We *may* have something like want someday, but if so, it can only
work by time travel (read: return a type profile with lazy values,
and let the eventual binding of the type profile call back for the
actual values).  But I doubt will require such for 6.0.0 in any case.

But Perl 6 is based on knowing the types to do MMD, and we have to know
at least those types, even if we don't know the values.  That makes
it very difficult for a function that wants to return *different*
types based on the eventual dispatch, since the eventual dispatch
depends on those types in a circular sort of way.  Sanity dictates
that we make time flow forward rather than backward for most of what
Perl 6 programmers will want to do most of the time.


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