I'll take a look at web.pm and see  I can get involved. Would be
interesting to see if Catalyst is being ported over as well.

I see Perl 6 really taking off if the tools for server side scripting/ web development get revamped to take on PHP's and Ruby's in terms of ease of use and deployment.

Perl 5/mod_perl2 aren't that easy to administer from a shared hosting perspective
and takes some work to get going properly, find the right modules etc...

Perhaps there should be a version of Perl tailored for the web with built in features or maybe an
include/explicit option to load a specific set of language features.

mod_perlite looks interesting as well: 


On Sep 17, 2009, at 6:10 PM, Matthew Walton wrote:

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 6:58 PM, yary <not....@gmail.com> wrote:
Matthew Walton wrote
Yes, Perl 6 does - it is not backwards compatible with Perl 5.

That so? I thought Perl6 was supposed to recognize and execute perl5
code. That statement itself implies that perl6 and perl5 are different
languages, and I'm not too interested in arguing over semantics. I am
curious about P6 executing P5 modules/libraries- that was in the
original plans and I think it's still included in the specs- though
not sure.

That's not Perl 6, so much as there being plans for a Perl 6
implementation to also be able to load Perl 5 libraries and code.
Rakudo (and all other Parrot languages) is currently gaining this
ability through the Blizkost project, which embeds the Perl 5
interpreter to do the heavy work. A system which understands Perl 6
the language is not going to be happy with most Perl 5 programmes you
might choose to feed it - it would have to detect that and feed it to
a Perl 5 interpreter instead. There will be such systems, but I tend
to think of them as multilingual.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 6:06 AM, Juan Madrigal <jua...@mac.com> wrote:
Hopefully Catalyst will be re-written for Perl6.
I think that's a ways away. Right now there is a built-from-scratch
wiki in perl6, November, that is pushing perl6's web code-base. P6
will either get Catalyst, or something better.

Web development with Perl
needs to be easier PHP and Ruby make it easy. I would prefer to just use Perl without having to hunt down CPAN modules for features that are built in to other languages. Mail, Sessions/Authentication, Database Connectivity etc... are native. Maybe the best modules should be included or a standard set developed for the web including Catalyst? EmbPerl is another option.

Some people are already writing web apps in Perl6 and discussing their
experience, all getting incorporated into the discussion and P6
language / library design. If you have the time to install Rakudo, and
join the November effort, then you'll have a direct influence on the
future of web development in Perl as well!

You're never going to get web features built into the language itself
- they will be modules, because Perl 6 is not a language specifically
intended for web development (although it's likely to be rather good
at it once the libraries are in place). Ruby doesn't do much web in
the core language either - Ruby on Rails is all extra (very clever)
libraries, rather like Catalyst, although Catalyst tends to expose a
bit more of the plumbing.

Carl Mäsak is working on a project called Web.pm which is the core
Perl 6 web programming experience. It's an outgrowth of the November
wiki project, and if you're interested in web programming I recommend
you take a look at it as it may well be the basis of all the fancy web
frameworks we might want to build in the future.

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