On 2009-Oct-14, at 2:00 pm, Jon Lang wrote:
David Green wrote:
On the other hand, $dogwood.Dog::bark cannot be simplified by leaving out the "Dog::" because then it would be ambiguous.

On the gripping hand, if we have a function "train(Dog $d)", then we can safely assume that within the lexical scope of train, $d is supposed to be treated as a Dog. So within that lexical scope, it should be safe to leave off the "Dog::".

Yes; and then my question from last time is whether the sig (Dog $d) "soft-casts" the arg such that the non-doggy bits of $d still remain, e.g. if inside train() we call a function chop(Tree $t), chop() will unambiguously see the Tree-half of the original Dogwood object. Or will it be "hard-cast" such that the non-doggy bits are simply lost? (And if so, does an ordinary cast Foo($d) do the same thing, or is one "hard" and one "soft", etc.?)

The soft way -- being able to cast $dogwood as a Dog and treat it unambiguously so, then to do the same thing treating it as a Tree object -- is the most flexible. Split-personality Dogs may be rare, but I can imagine wanting to call common utility roles (e.g. Logging) from any point down a calling chain.

However, I expect that "my Dog $d = $dogwood" would strip out everything else, on the grounds that you explicitly requested a pure Dog object. Otherwise you could have said "my $d = Dog($dogwood)" or maybe "my $dogwood.^WHAT $d = $dogwood" instead.


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