On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Jon Lang <datawea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Because a method is part of a role, and ought to abide by the same
> terms by which the role abides.  If Logging doesn't do Numeric, it
> shouldn't have any methods in it that won't work unless it does.

100% agreed.

So what the OP wants to do is declare a method that is available on
all those invocants - and only those invocatnts - which do all of
roles X, Y, and Z.  Granted, you can declare a new role XandYandZ that
does X, Y, and Z, and define the method there, but that won't work on
$foo unless you declare explicitly  '$foo does XandYandZ' .  The goal
is to have the method show up no matter how $foo comes to do all three

This is an interesting idea.  Currently, it doesn't work because
there's no place for such a method to live, so perhaps there could be
a way to declare a "method space" for arbitrary combinations of roles,
a sort of meta-role.  It's an odd duck, but it does sort of fall out
of the multiple-dispatch semantics, which already let you base
implementation chioce on arbitrary combinations of roles...

Mark J. Reed <markjr...@gmail.com>

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