A slight digression on a point of fact-

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Larry Wall <la...@wall.org> wrote:
> You are correct that the one-pass parsing is non-negotiable; this is
> how humans think, even when dealing with unknown names.

It's common for people to read a passage twice when encountering
something unfamiliar. That's on the large level. And even on the small
level of reading for the first time, people don't read completely
linearly, "skilled readers make regressions back to material already
read about 15 percent of the time." -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_movement_in_language_reading (and I
read about that elsewhere years ago, wikipedia happens to be the most
convenient reference.)

I'm not arguing against 1-pass parsing for Perl6, just reminding that
humans are complicated. And Larry's quote is "how humans think"
whereas the research on eye jumps is about "how humans read" which are
not exactly the same...


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