On Fri, 14 May 2010 15:58:00 +0100, Daniel Ruoso - dan...@ruoso.com <+nntp+browseruk+d52dbf78bb.daniel#ruoso....@spamgourmet.com> wrote:

Em Sex, 2010-05-14 às 15:48 +0400, Richard Hainsworth escreveu:
The less, or rather the more abstract, the specification in perl6, the
less likely perl6 will 'age'.

I think the important thing to realize here is that the Perl 6 language
keeps its definitions mostly abstract. Junctions, Hyper Operators, even
the "async" block, specify almost no requirements on the concurrency

The discussion is more about *one* specific threading model designed to
support all the Perl 6 features in a scalable way.

The point I(we)'ve been trying to make is that once you have a reentrant interpreter, and the ability to spawn one in an OS thread, all the other bits can be built on top. But unless you have that ability, whilst the others can be constructed, the cannot make
use of SMP. Eg. They cannot scale.

The spawn-an-OS-thread functionality doesn't have to be exposed to the language/application programmer (though it would be remise if it wasn't!), but it needs to be there to allow all the others to scale.

I'm not for a moment suggesting it should be the *only* model. Just that it is a requirement for all the other models to scale.



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