pugs-comm...@feather.perl6.nl wrote:
 =item *
+Blob literals look similar to integer literals with radix markers, but are
+distinct in their details.  A Blob literal has 1 format with 3 radix
+    0b<00101110100010>      base 2, 1 bit per column
+    0o<523504376>           base 8, 3 bits per column
+    0x<A705E>               base 16, 4 bits per column
+TODO:  Expand this for more generality.  Meanwhile, this existing
+definition covers the common cases of specifying in bits and hexits.

Note that another option might be substitution of a quotation-pair for the <>:

    0b'00101110100010'      base 2, 1 bit per column
    0o'523504376'           base 8, 3 bits per column
    0x'A705E'               base 16, 4 bits per column

But the general idea is that a Blob/Buf literal ought to look like something between an integer and a string.

There is also still the need to cover something that looks like a list of integers, for the general case of a Blob/Buf literal, and yet it should have an appearance more like that of a scalar/number/string/etc than of an array/etc.

Any thoughts on this?

-- Darren Duncan

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