With regard to http://perlcabal.org/syn/S11.html#Versioning ...
If some Perl code requires a module (or Perl version) that has multiple
authorities and each authority uses a different version-numbering scheme, and
the code is compatible with different version ranges from each authority, then
how does the code express this?
For example, say that either of the following would be acceptable:
use Foo:auth<PERIL>:ver(1..3,5..*)
use Foo:auth<PURILE>:ver(2..9)
From S11 I see that one can indicate too many versions like:
use Foo:auth(PERIL|PURILE):ver(1..*)
... or too few versions like:
use Foo:auth(PERIL|PURILE):ver(2..3,5..9)
... assuming that these "use" would specify the cartesian product of "auth" and
But how does one best express what I actually said would be acceptable, the full
"ver" range per "auth" and only that?
Can you say something like this?:
use Foo:(auth<PERIL>:ver(1..3,5..*)|auth<PURILE>:ver(2..9))
... but maybe with different syntax?
-- Darren Duncan