
It's been up for discussion before in #perl6 (with a quick search, I
find <http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2011-06-03#i_3851753> and
<http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2011-05-07#i_3688404>), but so far
no-one has acted on the idea. Kudos for picking it up.

// Carl

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Stefan O'Rear <stefa...@cox.net> wrote:
> I intend to change the definition of "eval" such that it does not catch
> exceptions.  String eval's role as the catcher of exceptions is a legacy of
> Perl 1, which had no block eval, and I feel it has no place in Perl 6.
> The exception catching and associated unwinding makes it impossible to use
> resumable exceptions across eval boundaries.  This includes warn.
> Given an eval that does not catch exceptions, it is very easy to add catching,
> using the new blockless form of try, "try eval $code".  However, given an eval
> which does catch, it is impossible to synthesize one that passes exceptions
> faithfully.
> Catching exceptions in an eval causes the eval frame to be different from the
> calling frame, which makes tail call optimization through evals impossible.
> With the catching eval, it is very easy to write code which accidentally
> discards exceptions.  For the goal of safety it seems best to make discarding
> exceptions hard by default.
> Does anyone have objections?  Is there general consensus that this change
> should be made?
> -Stefan
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