On 10/13/2015 03:17 PM, Moritz Lenz wrote:
>... We have 390+ modules, and hand-waving away all
> trouble of maintaining them seems a bit lofty.
> ... a large percentage of the module updates are done by group of
> maybe five to a dozen volunteers. ... 5 people updating 70% of 390
> modules. Modules they are usually not all that familiar with, and
> usually don't have direct access. So they need to go through the pull
> request dance, waiting for reaction from the maintainer. In short, it
> sucks.

The idea is to make the maintenance one-time and as minimal as
possible. In the "Exploit the versioning" thread Darren D & I advocate
changing the version declaration at the top of existing modules to
"use v6.0.0.0" and punting on the default-defined-parameter question
until after Christmas. Changing "v6" to "v6.0.0.0" is a one-line
change to ease forward compatibility, and it eases the burden on
module authors. It's practical: Rakudo Star already accepts "use
v6.0.0.0;" without error. (In fact it even accepts "use v88;" which I
do not recommend in production :)

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Richard Hainsworth
<rnhainswo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some suggestions:

Reading these brings MetaCPAN to mind:

> 1) On the perl 6 modules page (modules.perl6.org) , sort the modules by
> number of Badges, ...
> 2) Add another badge for 'reviewed'. ...
> 3) Would it be possible to develop a sort of Citation Index? That is the
> number of times a module uses another module? ...

MetaCPAN's "search" shows most of that info: how many people have
"favorited" it, how many reviews it has and the average "stars". Click
on a result, and it has "citations" linked to as "reverse
dependencies". Search page is not flexibly sortable in its default web
interface, but that is fixable. So... "all we need" are the tuits to
modify MetaCPAN to S22 and get it up on the web... sounds like fun,
not trivial though!

Or in other words, all good ideas that seem to have arose organically
in the P5 ecosystem. Let's adopt them back into P6 when we are
implementing the analogous tools/sites.

> 4) How about developing the 'bundle' idea more? Perhaps, putting Bundles on
> the Perl6 Modules top page, starting with Task::Star? Bundles could be
> moderated more strictly. Perhaps Bundle authors would need to supply a
> mandate, eg. "Bundle for GUI  development", or "Essential beginners bundle".
> Also bundle authors would need to have vetted the modules in the bundle,
> especially those without all badges.

Matches a comment about Perl 6 being like Linux, in how distributions
choose what to bundle with it. Rakudo Star has its choice of useful
modules bundled with it; other people's curatorial choices would be
interesting too...

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