There is a "flip" in P6, to reverse the characters in a string, and a
"reverse", to return the elements of a list. Would either of those be
an equivalent?

On 9/6/16, Trey Harris <> wrote:
> There’s a very common functional programming pattern, usually called flip;
> its implementation in Haskell is simply:
> flip       :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> cflip f x y =  f y x
> Getting the same behavior out of a bespoke function in Perl 6 would be easy
> for any particular case, but writing a general version of flip that would
> work universally with all binary operators would be a pain to get right
> (while maintaining *exactly* the same behavior and errors as the original
> in all conditions), wouldn’t it?
> If so, R is syntactic sugar, but very helpful syntactic sugar.
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:59 PM Aaron Sherman <>
> wrote:
> Oh, and note that you can pass R'd reductions as if they were normal prefix
>> ops:
>> $ perl6 -e 'sub dueet(&op, *@list) { op @list }; say dueet
>> &prefix:<[R-]>,
>> 1..100'
>> -4850
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Aaron Sherman <>
>> wrote:
>>> $ perl6 -e 'my @numbers = 1..100; say [-] @numbers; say [R-] @numbers'
>>> -5048
>>> -4850
>>> In general, it's kind of pointless with bare infix ops, as you can just
>>> reverse the arguments, but when reducing or the like, it becomes much
>>> more
>>> valuable.
>>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Parrot Raiser <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I've just stumbled across "reversed operators", e.g. say 4 R/ 12; # 3
>>>> in the documentation. I'm curious to know why the language includes
>>>> them? I'm having trouble understanding where they would be useful.
>> ​

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