you can refer to the outer $v as OUTER::('$v'), that ought to help :)

On 03/10/2018 08:10, yary wrote:
> Reading and playing with
> There's an example showing how temp is "dynamic" - that any jump
> outside a block restores the value. All well and good.
> Then I thought, what if I want a lexical temporary value- then use
> "my"- and this is all well and good:
> my $v = "original";
> {
>     my $v = "new one";
>     start {
>         say "[PROMISE] Value before block is left: `$v`";
>         sleep 1;
>         say "[PROMISE] Block was left while we slept; value is still
> `$v`";
>     }
>     sleep ½;
>     say "About to leave the block; value is `$v`";
> }
> say "Left the block; value is now `$v`";
> sleep 2;
> Then I thought, well, what if I want to initialize the inner $v with
> the outer $v.
> my $v = "original";
> {
>     my $v = $v; # "SORRY! Cannot use variable $v in declaration to
> initialize itself"
>     say "inner value is $v";
>     $v= "new one";
> ...
> Gentle reader, how would you succinctly solve this contrived example?
> Anything you like better than this?
> my $v = "original";
> given $v -> $v is copy {
>     say "inner value is $v"; # "original", good
>     $v= "new one";
> ....
> -y

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