yary <not....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this a known issue, or my misunderstanding?
>> subset non-Nil where * !=== Nil;
> (non-Nil)
>> sub out-check($out) returns non-Nil { return $out }
> &out-check
>> out-check(44)
> 44
>> out-check(Nil)
> Nil
> ^ Huh, I expected an exception on "out-check(Nil)" saying the return value
> failed the "returns" constraint.

I'm seeing the same behavior that Yary does, and it does seem pretty peculiar.

I would guess it has to do with this behavior:

# https://docs.raku.org/type/Nil#index-entry-Nil_assignment

# When assigned to a container, the Nil value (but not any subclass
# of Nil) will attempt to revert the container to its default
# value; if no such default is declared, Raku assumes Any.

Something like: the Nil is getting transformed into an empty (Any),
which passes the constraint, but then gets turned back into a Nil

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